Uses of Class

Packages that use Scope
eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description Provides classes: to describe specimens, observations or taxa, to associate other factual informations to specimens, observations or taxa (including distribution), to supply additional information about taxon names and to support identification by means of keys. Related documentation
UML Diagrams  

Uses of Scope in eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service

Method parameters in eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service with type arguments of type Scope
 List<TaxonDescription> DescriptionServiceImpl.listTaxonDescriptions(Taxon taxon, Set<Scope> scopes, Set<NamedArea> geographicalScope, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<String> propertyPaths)
 List<TaxonDescription> IDescriptionService.listTaxonDescriptions(Taxon taxon, Set<Scope> scopes, Set<NamedArea> geographicalScope, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<String> propertyPaths)
 List<TaxonDescription> DescriptionServiceImpl.listTaxonDescriptions(Taxon taxon, Set<Scope> scopes, Set<NamedArea> geographicalScope, Set<MarkerType> markerTypes, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<String> propertyPaths)
 List<TaxonDescription> IDescriptionService.listTaxonDescriptions(Taxon taxon, Set<Scope> scopes, Set<NamedArea> geographicalScope, Set<MarkerType> markerTypes, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<String> propertyPaths)
 Pager<TaxonDescription> DescriptionServiceImpl.pageTaxonDescriptions(Taxon taxon, Set<Scope> scopes, Set<NamedArea> geographicalScope, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<String> propertyPaths)
 Pager<TaxonDescription> IDescriptionService.pageTaxonDescriptions(Taxon taxon, Set<Scope> scopes, Set<NamedArea> geographicalScope, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<String> propertyPaths)
          Returns a List of TaxonDescription instances, optionally filtered by parameters passed to this method
 Pager<TaxonDescription> DescriptionServiceImpl.pageTaxonDescriptions(Taxon taxon, Set<Scope> scopes, Set<NamedArea> geographicalScope, Set<MarkerType> markerTypes, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<String> propertyPaths)
 Pager<TaxonDescription> IDescriptionService.pageTaxonDescriptions(Taxon taxon, Set<Scope> scopes, Set<NamedArea> geographicalScope, Set<MarkerType> markerTypes, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<String> propertyPaths)
          Returns a List of TaxonDescription instances, optionally filtered by parameters passed to this method

Uses of Scope in eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description

Subclasses of Scope in eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description
 class Sex
          The class representing the restriction concerning the sex for the applicability of taxon descriptions.
 class Stage
          The class representing the restriction concerning the life stage for the applicability of taxon descriptions.

Fields in eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description with type parameters of type Scope
protected static Map<UUID,Scope> Scope.termMap

Methods in eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description that return Scope
static Scope Scope.NewInstance()
          Creates a new empty scope instance.
static Scope Scope.NewInstance(String term, String label, String labelAbbrev)
          Creates a new scope instance with a description (in the default language), a label and a label abbreviation.

Methods in eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description that return types with arguments of type Scope
 Set<Scope> IIdentificationKey.getScopeRestrictions()
          The scope of this key, this may be the sex, stage or any other character defined via a subclass of Scope
 Set<Scope> PolytomousKey.getScopeRestrictions()
          Returns the set of scope restrictions corresponding to this identification key
 Set<Scope> MediaKey.getScopeRestrictions()
          Returns the set of scope restrictions corresponding to this identification key
 Set<Scope> MultiAccessKey.getScopeRestrictions()
          Returns the set of scope restrictions corresponding to this identification key
 Set<Scope> TaxonDescription.getScopes()
          Returns the set of scopes (this covers mostly life stage or sex or both) restricting the validity of this taxon description.

Methods in eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description with parameters of type Scope
 void TaxonDescription.addScope(Scope scope)
          Adds a scope (mostly a life stage or a sex) to the set of scopes restricting the validity of this taxon description.
 void IIdentificationKey.addScopeRestriction(Scope scope)
 void PolytomousKey.addScopeRestriction(Scope scopeRestriction)
          Adds a scope restriction to the set of scope restrictions corresponding to this identification key.
 void MediaKey.addScopeRestriction(Scope scopeRestriction)
          Adds a scope restriction to the set of scope restrictions corresponding to this identification key.
 void MultiAccessKey.addScopeRestriction(Scope scopeRestriction)
          Adds a scope restriction to the set of scope restrictions corresponding to this identification key.
 void TaxonDescription.removeScope(Scope scope)
          Removes one element from the set of scopes restricting the validity of this taxon description.
 void IIdentificationKey.removeScopeRestriction(Scope scope)
 void PolytomousKey.removeScopeRestriction(Scope scopeRestriction)
          Removes one element from the set of scope restrictions corresponding to this identification key.
 void MediaKey.removeScopeRestriction(Scope scopeRestriction)
          Removes one element from the set of scope restrictions corresponding to this identification key.
 void MultiAccessKey.removeScopeRestriction(Scope scopeRestriction)
          Removes one element from the set of scope restrictions corresponding to this identification key.

Uses of Scope in eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.description

Method parameters in eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.description with type arguments of type Scope
 int IDescriptionDao.countTaxonDescriptions(Taxon taxon, Set<Scope> scopes, Set<NamedArea> geographicalScope, Set<MarkerType> markerType)
          Returns a count of TaxonDescription instances, optionally filtered by parameters passed to this method
 List<TaxonDescription> IDescriptionDao.listTaxonDescriptions(Taxon taxon, Set<Scope> scopes, Set<NamedArea> geographicalScope, Set<MarkerType> markerTypes, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<String> propertyPaths)
          Returns a List of TaxonDescription instances, optionally filtered by parameters passed to this method

Uses of Scope in eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.hibernate.description

Method parameters in eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.hibernate.description with type arguments of type Scope
 int DescriptionDaoImpl.countTaxonDescriptions(Taxon taxon, Set<Scope> scopes, Set<NamedArea> geographicalScopes, Set<MarkerType> markerTypes)
 List<TaxonDescription> DescriptionDaoImpl.listTaxonDescriptions(Taxon taxon, Set<Scope> scopes, Set<NamedArea> geographicalScopes, Set<MarkerType> markerTypes, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<String> propertyPaths)

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