C5.64 Global background maps available in printing quality

The assessment of the needs of taxonomists in terms of Geospatial components and the e-conference previously held (see Component 5.32) indicated that there is a high interest in having access to camera ready maps for different publication means ( Websites, Presentations, scientific papers, large format maps, posters). The local post processing of maps for publication has been identified as being far from straightforward and often rather time consuming for non-specialists in GIS systems. The development of a freely available and easy-to-use tool able to produce maps for those taxonomists not experienced in the use of GIS programs is indeed an essential part of EDIT Work Package 5.4 (Geospatial Component).
To answer this request it was thus decided to produce one or several modules for the Geospatial components of the EDIT cybertaxonomy platform dealing specifically with production of camera ready maps for different publication means. It is clear that even the most accurate distribution points for specimens need to be presented with nice background maps, when published or presented to decision makers to enhance their impact, thus the implementation of the modules for “Global background maps available in printing quality”.

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